March 29, 2012

Vaginal Yeast Infection rehabilitation - Antibiotics Versus Home Remedies

Before seeking vaginal yeast infection rehabilitation you need to confirm that what you are suffering is yeast; this is especially leading because there are other ailments with similar symptoms. The best way of confirming this is by being able to isolate fungus infection from the range of other conditions that may maybe work on the vagina.

There are three common vaginal infections that are known to work on the vagina namely trichomonas, bacterial vaginosis and Candida yeast infection. The main symptoms associated with these infections are inflammations, cheese like discharge, itching and pain while sexual intercourse.

If you are experiencing some or any of the above mentioned symptoms then its time for you to seek Vaginal yeast infection treatment. You can pursue distinct forms of treatments that are ready depending on your preference. There are those who would prefer accepted medications regularly prescribed by a doctor while there are those who are inclined towards homemade or natural treatments.

Physician's prescriptions-The general procedure is to arm yourself with the list of symptoms you may be experiencing. A healing check up will be followed by a pathology that will confirm the existence or absence of yeast infection. There are a number of antibiotics that are commonly prescribed upon confirmation of fungal infections. They can be in form of creams for external application or pills for oral intake. Terazo is one such cream while Metronidazole is an example of oral pills that your doctor may recommend.

Home remedies-Though a stressful condition, yeast infection is however treatable even with homemade remedies which have been proven to work equally well if not great than accepted medication. This form of rehabilitation is simple uncostly and you can do it in the comfort of your home. Let's face it vaginal yeast infection is not one of those conditions you can favorably go pronouncing to everybody not even your doctor. Among the homemade remedies that we will search for are

  • Yogurt
  • Garlic Raw
  • Honey

Yogurt contains bacteria that boost the body's immunity principles and enables it to fight against a range of infection. The recommended one is the natural yogurt without sugar, flavors or coloring. While yogurt is a drink that is taken orally, for the purpose of fast activity it is recommended you apply it on the affected area just as you would a cream. You can dip a pad and insert it in the vagina. It will give an instant soothing and relaxing effects.

Garlic is a favorite herb that is a common method of many oriental dishes. It contains anti- bacterial and anti- fungal properties that fight off infections. While there are those who prefers to make a garlic based drink by crashing it and mixing it with warm water, there is also an choice of wrapping a raw flesh garlic with a piece of cloth and insert it in the vagina.

Honey is among the oldest remedies of many ailments used for ages. It is regularly used along with many other herbs but it has indispensable remedial values just by itself. While you can take it orally those who have tried it attest to the instant clear result if you apply it directly to the affected area.

Vaginal yeast infection rehabilitation can be quite easy and cheap if you pick on the right rehabilitation on right time. It is especially recommended to use more of natural/home remedies due to their versatility and quality to cure vaginal infection once and all.

Vaginal Yeast Infection rehabilitation - Antibiotics Versus Home Remedies

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